Tim Robbins talks live on why California should vote YES on 47.
October 31, 2014
Our Current Justice System Is Tearing Apart Families, By Olivia Wilde
October 29, 2014
Change in Our Justice System Is Long Overdue, By John Legend
October 27, 2014
The Famous Faces Fighting for Prison Reform
November 3, 2014
Jay-Z, John Legend, And Newt Gingrich Want Votes for More Schools, Fewer Prisons
November 2, 2014
Jay Z, Kerry Washington, John Legend & More, Chose Schools Over Prisons, By Jasiri X
October 29, 2014
California Election: Jay-Z, Brad Pitt, Cameron Diaz Come Out As ‘Artists for Prop 47’
October 15, 2014
We believe in a better Future: Aritsts for 47
October 14, 2014
Hollywood embraces Prop 47.
October 14, 2014
Jay-Z speaks on California’s Prop 47.
August 4, 2014
Jay-Z Supports Prop 47 At ‘OTR’ Show
August 5, 2014
Jay-Z has come out in favor of California’s Proposition 47
August 6, 2014